With the conditions of captivity promoting growth in excess of what would normally be expected in a wild bearded dragon, a bearded dragon could well become sexually mature before a year of age if it reached the appropriate size (Melidone, 2008). In the wild, bearded dragons will typically be expected to come of breeding age between 1 and 2 years of age. Sexual Maturity age do female bearded dragons breed and start laying eggsīearded dragon breeding starts when they reach a physical size, not so much chronological age. The reproductive stages of the male goes through are: These prolific breeders can be reproduced with or without brumation. *While some exotic animals require brumation to reproduce, bearded dragons are not one of them. The reproductive stages the female goes through are: 7 Steps if a Bearded Dragon Can’t Lay Her Eggs.How can I help my Bearded Dragon Lay Her Eggs.Reproductive problems for male bearded dragons.How to care for Hatchlings (baby bearded dragons).The temperature you incubate at, impacts behaviour.How long does it take for the eggs to hatch?.How do I know when my bearded dragon is ready to lay her eggs (Oviposition)?.Bearded Dragon is Pregnant, what do I do?.How to look after a Pregnant (Gravid) Bearded Dragon.